Lee, S., Oh, S. H., & Lee, K. (2021). Hearing Aid Selection: Closed- versus pen-canal Fitting Hearing Aids. Audiology and Speech Research, 17(4), 323-330. 교신저자
Jo, H., Kong, H., Shin, S., Lee, M., Kim, K., Lee, H., Ahn, S., & Lee, K. (2021). Comparison of Preferred Real-Ear Insertion Gain between Open- and Closed-Canal Fitting Hearing Aids. Audiology and Speech Research, 17(2), 180-186. 교신저자
Lee, K., Ahn S., & Jo, H. (2021). Development of Hearing Aid Gain for Korean Hearing Impaired version 2.0 Considering Levels and Spectra of Korean Conversational Speech, and Preferred Gain. Audiology and Speech Research, 17(1), 29-34. 교신저자
Yun, D. & Lee, K. (2020). Changes of the Korean Consonant-Vowel Syllabic Recognition Scores According to the Compression Threshold Control of Multi-Channel Hearing Aid. Audiology and Speech Research, 16(4), 321-328. 교신저자
Kim, D. & Lee, K. (2020). Development of Korean Version of Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit-Quick Version. Audiology and Speech Research, 16(3), 196-205. 교신저자
Han, Y. K. & Lee, K. (2020). A Study on the Korean Conversation Speech Level and Spectrum in Sound-Treated Environment. Audiology and Speech Research, 16(2), 133-139. 교신저자
Bang, E. & Lee, K. (2020). A Study on the Preferred Real-Ear Insertion Gain of Multi-Channel Hearing Aid for the Korean with Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Audiology and Speech Research, 16(2), 85-94. 교신저자
Oh, S. H. & Lee, K. (2020). Aircraft Noise of Airport Community in Korea. Audiology and Speech Research, 16(1): 1-10. 교신저자
Park, J. & Lee, K. (2019). Comparison of Occlusion Effect between Ear-Tip Type of Receiver-In-Canal Hearing Aids and Completely-In-the-Canal. Audiology and Speech Research, 15(2): 95-100. 교신저자
Kim, S. & Lee, K. (2019). Changes of Consonant Recognition and Sound Quality as a Function of Compression Threshold on Multi-Channel Hearing Aids. Audiology and Speech Research, 15(1): 23-29. 교신저자
Jeong, J. & Lee, K. (2018). Changes of Non-Sense Syllabic Word Scores and Preferences as a Function of Release Time on Multi-Channel Hearing Aids. Audiology and Speech Research, 14(4): 250-258. 교신저자
Kim, S. & Lee, K. (2018). 보청기 착용 노인의 환경음과 이야기 답변을 이용한 청능훈련: 사례 보고. Audiology and Speech Research, 14(3), 204-209. 교신저자
Han, W., Lee, J., Kim, J., Lee, K., & Kim, D. (2017). Preferred compression threshold and release time in quiet and noisy conditions for elderly korean hearing aid users. Journal of Audiology and Otology, 21(3): 133-139. 공동연구원
김광재, 이경원, 방정화. (2017). 초고막형 보청기를 통한 폐쇄효과의 감소와 전화 사용 및 미용상의 만족도 향상 사례. Audiology and Speech Research, 13(3), 216-221. 공동연구원
Jin, I., Lee, K., Kim, L., Kim, D., Sohn, J., & Lee, J. (2017). Comparison of a hearing aid fitting formula based on Korean acoustic characteristics and existing fitting formulae. Audiology and Speech Research, 13(3), 251-256. 공동연구원
Oh, S. H., Chun, H., Lee, K., & Lee, J. (2017). A review of cost-effectiveness analysis and model of hearing aid fitting. Audiology and Speech Research, 13(2), 95-100. 공동연구원
김지희, 이경원. (2017). 환경음을 이용한 청능훈련이 난청 노인의 단어 및 문장인지에 미치는 효과. Audiology and Speech Research, 13(2), 115-122. 교신저자
신수연, 이경원. (2017). 다채널보청기의 압축 방식에 따른 문장인지도 및 선호도 비교. ● Audiology and Speech Research, 13(1), 88-94. 교신저자
김태화, 심송용, 이경원. (2016). 한국어판 보청기이득평가 설문지 개발. Audiology and Speech Research, 12(4), 209-220. 교신저자
안표희, 이경원. (2016). 청능훈련을 위한 환경음원의 개발. Audiology and Speech Research, 12(2), 82-88. 교신저자
박승영, 이경원. (2015). 압축비율에 따른 문장인지도와 음질의 비교. Audiology and Speech Research, 11(4):292-301. 교신저자
Jinsook kim, Junhak Lee, Kyoungwon Lee, Junghwa Bahng, Jaehee Lee, Chul-Hee Choi, Soo Jin Cho, Eun Yeong Shin, Jeonghye Park. (2015). Test-retest reliability of word recognition score using Korean standard monosyllabic word lists for adults as a function of the number of test words. Journal of Audiology and Otology, 19(2): 68-73. 공동연구원
In-Ki Jin, James M. Kates, Kyoungwon Lee, Kathryn H. Arehart. (2015). Derivations of the band-importance function: A cross-procedure comparison (L). Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 138(2):938-941. 공동연구원
강재훈, 김자희, 최민정, 이경원. (2015). 감각신경성난청의 단음절 및 문장인지역치에 필요한 신호대잡음비 연구. Audiology and Speech Research, 11(1):37-44. 교신저자
정인혜, 전혜정, 이경원. (2014). 광대역과 협대역 전화어음에 따른 단어 및 문장인지도와 음질인지. Audiology and Speech Research, 10(1):43-52. 교신저자
이수현, 이경원. (2013). 고막보청기의 환기구 길이에 따른 폐쇄효과의 음향적 그리고 심리음향적 변화. Audiology and Speech Research, 9(2):159-166. 교신저자
박유진, 이경원. (2013). 건청인과 감각신경성난청 성인의 청력역치에 따른 음량증가의 변화. Audiology and Speech Research, 9(1):25-32. 교신저자
공혜경, 주연미, 이경원. (2013). 어음잡음하에서 자모음비에 따른 감각신경성난청인의 무의미음절인지도. Audiology and Speech Research, 9:33-39. 교신저자
허영록, 이정학, 이경원. (2012). 연령에 따른 순음청력역치와 어음인지역치의 변화. Audiology and Speech Research, 8:158-164. 교신저자
나은정, 이경원. (2012). 소음 하에서 건청 및 인공와우 착용 아동의 문장인지역치 연구. Audiology and Speech Research, 8:95-100. 교신저자
이경원, 김진숙. (2012). 한국어 단음절어의 주파수중요기능 연구. Audiology and Speech Research, 8:24-33. 제1저자
신유정, 이경원. (2011). 한국어의 자모음비에 따른 인공와우 착용아동의 무의미 음절의 인지도 변화. Audiology and Speech Research, 7:200-205. 교신저자
이경원, 김진숙. (2011). 한국 난청인을 위한 보청기 이득의 제안. Audiology and Speech Research, 7:119-123.제1저자
이소예, 이경원. (2010). 고막보청기 착용 시 꽉찬적합을 통한 폐쇄효과의 해결: 사례보고. Audiology and Speech Research, 6:178-181. 교신저자
Heekyung Han, Junghak Lee, Soojin Cho, Jinsook Kim, Kyoungwon Lee, Woon-do Choi. (2011). Reference sound pressure level for Korean speech audiometry. International Journal of Audiology. 50:59-62. 공동연구원
최민정, 이경원. (2011). 압축역치의 조절을 통한 음질의 개선 사례보고. Audiology and Speech Research, 7:100-105. 교신저자
김형근, 이경원. (2010). 보청기를 착용한 노인의 청능훈련 기간에 따른 단어인지도의 변화. Audiology and Speech Research, 6:159-163. 교신저자
이소예, 이경원. (2010). 한국어의 자모음비(CVR)에 따른 무의미음절의 단어인지도 변화. Audiology and Speech Research, 6:25-29. 교신저자
정부 및 기업 과제(2010년 이후)
2018-2022: 한국 난청인의 의사소통 능력 개선을 위한 보청기적합공식의 개발(과학기술정보통신부, 연구재단), 주관연구책임자
2016-2016: 고령화시대 국민의 보청기 착용 만족도 향상 및 소음측정 관련 국제표준 부합화 연구(국가기술표준원, 전기전자표준과), 주관연구책임자
2015-2018: 국내 청각기술용어의 국제표준화(International standardization of Korean audiological technology terms)(지식경제부, 공동연구원)
2014-2017: 연령에 따른 가청역치 및 보청기적합(맞춤, 피팅)의 표준화(Standardization of hearing threshold as a function of age and hearing aid fitting)(지식경제부, 세부과제(보청기적합), 선임급)
2011-2013: 어음청각검사용 한국어 기준음압의 개발(지식경제부, 세부과제 선임급)
2016-2017: 환경음을 이용한 청능훈련 어플리케이션 제작에 필요한 도구의 개발(광우메딕스, 과제총괄책임자)
2015-2015: 휴대폰/헤드셋 상에서의 보청 기술에 대한 난청인의 성능평가(LG전자, 과제총괄책임자)
2014-2014: 휴대폰 상에서의 보청기술에 대한 난청인 성능평가(LG전자, 과제총괄책임자)
2014-2014: 전화증폭 알고리즘의 검증 및 임상실험(LG전자, 과제총괄책임자)
2013-2013: 난청자용 고정밀 청각기기를 위한 fitting formula 개발(삼성전자, 공동연구원)
소음하 어음인지, 어음인지를 위한 신호처리 및 음향분석, 난청 성인 및 난청 아동의 청능훈련
2관 103호
2003-2009: Indiana University at Bloonington, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)
Major: Speech and Hearing Sciences,
Minor: Cognitive Science
2007-현재: 한림국제대학원대학교 청각언어치료학과 교수
2007-현재: 한림국제대학원대학교 부설 한림청각언어연구소 연구위원
연구 및 저서
말지각검사의 실제 (공저, 2021) 서울: 학지사
청각학개론 (공저, 2017) 서울: 학지사
청각학용어집 (공저, 2014) 서울: 학지사
청각검사지침 (공저, 2017), 서울: 학지사
대표 연구물
Jung Y, Han JH, Choi S, Lee JH. (2021). Test-retest Reliability of the Korean Matrix Sentence-in-noise Recognition in Sound-field Testing Condition. Audiol Speech Res. 2021;17(4):344-351. http://doi.org/10.21848/asr.210037
Ko Y, Lee JH. (2021). Clinical Importance of Sound-Field Speech Recognition Test for Measurement of Hearing Aid Benefit. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg. 2021;64(5):310-320. https://doi.org/10.3342/kjorl-hns.2020.00059
Hwang JS, Jung Y, Lee JH. (2020). The Effect of Background Noise on Immediate Free Recall of Words in Younger and Older Listeners with Hearing Loss. J Am Acad Audiol. 31(10):701-707. https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0040-1719131
Jung YK, Lee JH. (2020). Gaps-In-Noise Test Performance in Children with Speech Sound Disorder and Cognitive Difficulty. J Audiol Otol. 24(3): 133-139. https://doi.org/10.7874/jao.2019.00381
Kim S, Choi I, Schwalje AT, Kim K, Lee JH. (2020). Auditory Working Memory Explains Variance in Speech Recognition in Older Listeners Under Adverse Listening Conditions. Clinical Intervention in Aging. 15:395‐406. https://doi.org/10.2147/CIA.S241976
이예원, 황혜경, 이재희 (2019). 청능훈련이 보청기 착용 아동의 어음인지에 미치는 효과Audiology and Speech Research, 15(4):249-257. https://doi.org/10.21848/asr.2019.15.4.249
김찬미, 이재희 (2019). 청각장애이해 프로그램이 일반학생의 청각장애 및 청각장애학생과의 통합교육에 대한 인식에 미치는 효과. Audiology and Speech Research,15(2):84-94. https://doi.org/10.21848/asr.2019.15.2.84
김경현, 이재희 (2018). 한국어 Matrix 문장 검사 도구 평가: 목록 간 동질성과 단어 위치의 영향에 대한 검증. Audiology and Speech Research, 14(2): 100-107. http://doi.org/10.21848/asr.2018.14.2.100
Hwang JS, Kim KH, Lee JH. (2017). Factors Affecting Sentence-in-Noise Recognition for Normal Hearing Listeners and Listeners with Hearing Loss. J Audiol Otol. 21(2):81-87. https://doi.org/10.7874/jao.2017.21.2.81
Lee JI, Bahng J, Lee JH. (2017). 아동용 청능훈련 도구의 개발 및 검증. Audiology and Speech Research, 13(2): 123-132. http://doi.org/10.21848/asr.2017.13.2.123
Lee JH, Ra J, Kim YH. (2014). Adequacy of the Simplified Version of the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI-S) to Measure Tinnitus Handicap and Relevant Distress. J Audiol Otol. 18(1):19-27. https://doi.org/10.7874/kja.2014.18.1.19
Kim J, Lee JH, Lee H. (2014). Advantages of Binaural Amplification to Acceptable Noise Level of Directional Hearing Aid Users. Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol. 7(2):94-101. https://doi.org/10.3342/ceo.2014.7.2.94
Lee JH, Humes LE. (2012). Effect of fundamental-frequency and sentence-onset differences on speech-identification performance of young and older adults in a competing-talker background. J Acoust Soc Am. 132(3):1700-1717. https://doi.org/10.1121/1.4740482
Lee JH, Kewley-Port D. (2009). Intelligibility of Interrupted Sentences at Subsegmental Levels in Young Normal-Hearing and Elderly Hearing-Impaired Listeners. J Acoust Soc Am. 125(2):1153-1163. https://doi.org/10.1121/1.3021304
Kewley-Port D, Burkle TZ, Lee JH. (2007). Contribution of consonant versus vowel information to sentence intelligibility for young normal-hearing and elderly hearing-impaired listeners. J Acoust Soc Am. 122(4):2365‐2375. https://doi.org/10.1121/1.2773986
Humes LE, Lee JH, Coughlin MP. (2006). Auditory measures of selective and divided attention in young and older adults using single-talker competition. J Acoust Soc Am. 2006;120(5 Pt 1):2926‐2937. https://doi.org/10.1121/1.2354070
정부 및 기업과제
2021: 2021 AI 학습용 데이터 구축사업: 구음장애 (한국지능정보사회진흥원)
2019-2021: 음장 소음하 문장인지 검사 도구의 검증 및 표준화에 관한 연구 (한국연구재단 중견연구), 연구책임자
2016-2018: 소프트웨어 기반 소음 하 문장인지 평가 도구 개발 (한국연구재단 신진연구), 연구책임자
2016-2016: 고령화시대 국민의 보청기 착용 만족도 향상 및 소음측정 관련 국제표준 부합화 연구(국가기술표준원, 전기전자표준과), 공동 연구책임자
2015-2018: 국내 청각기술용어의 국제표준화(International standardization of Korean audiological technology terms) (지식경제부, 공동연구원)
2014-2017: 연령에 따른 가청역치 및 보청기적합(맞춤, 피팅)의 표준화(Standardization of hearing threshold as a function of age and hearing aid fitting)(지식경제부, 공동연구원)
청각재활, 특수청각, 언어인지발달
청각재활, 특수청각학
2관 303호
University of Tennessee 박사 졸업
연구 및 저서
Kim, J. H. & Bahng, J. (2023). Research on effective methodology for hearing impaired rehabilitation: Based on a diary study for the elderly online-auditory training program. 19(4), in press.
Bahng, J. & W. Han (2023). Suggestions for successful inclusive education of hearing-impaired students through qualitative analysis, Audiology and Speech Research, 19(3), 208-213.
Kim, J. H. & Bahng, J. (2023) The exploratory study on the development of online based auditory training contents: Based on the analysis of the application for auditory-training for the elderly in their 70s and older, Audiology and Speech Research, 19(2), 141-148.
E. Jung & Bahng, J. (2023). A qualitative study on the communication experience of hearing impaired listeners through COVID-19 pandemic: Using interpretative phenomenological analysis, Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 27(2), 27-46
Park, Y. J., Lee, M. Y., Choi, J. E., Jung, J. Y., & Bahng, J. (2023). A comparative analysis of the vestibulocochlear function in patients with isolated semicircular canal hypofunction using a video head impulse test, Research in vestibular science, 22(2), 34-45.
Bahng, J., & Oh, S. H. (2022). A preliminary study of sound quality evaluation of cochlear implant users. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea, 41(1), 45-51.
Kim, D. Y., & Bahng, J. (2022). A Study on Social Support of the Elderly with Normal Hearing and Elderly Wearing Hearing Aids. Audiology and Speech Research, 18(2), 102-108.
Kim, C. K., & Bahng, J. (2022). Knowledge of and Attitudes Toward Hearing Loss, Hearing Aids, and Cochlear Implants in Adults. Audiology and Speech Research, 18(3), 165-171.
Shin, J., Lee, H. J., & Bahng, J. (2022). Spatial hearing in middle-aged and older adults with a hearing aid: Does noise type matter?. Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders, 7(2), 61-66.
Oh, S. H., & Bahng, J. (2022). The Consideration of Tele-Audiology Service Delivery in Korea. Audiology and Speech Research, 18(4), 261-265.
Kwak, C., Han, W., & Bahng, J. (2022). Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Application of Virtual Reality in Hearing Disorders. Journal of Audiology and Otology, 26(4), 169-181.
Kim, H. R. & Bahng, J. (2021). Can the tinnitus magnitude index reflect the depression and anxiety of tinnitus sufferers? Audiology and Speech Research, 17(4), 364-370.
Kim, J. H., Shin, L, Bahng, J.,& Lee, H-Y. (2021). Proficiency in using level cue for sound localization is related to the auditory cortical structure in patients with single-sided deafness, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15, 749824.
Kim, KS., Lee, J. H. & Bahng, J. (2021). Factors affecting the auditory working memory of the elderly, Audiology and Speech Research, 17(1), 35-43.
Shin, J. & Bahng, J. (2021). Auditory training for spatial hearing loss: Two case reports of the older adults who wear hearing aids. Audiology and Speech Research, 17(3), 307-313.
Bahng, J. & Lee, C. H. (2020) Topic modeling for analyzing patients’ perceptions and concerns of hearing loss on social Q & A sites: Incorporating patients' perspective, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(17), 6209.
Kang, D., Kim, S. H., Yun, D., & Bahng, J. (2020) Auditory training using remembering the order of sentences for the elderly who wear hearing aids: Is it effective for speech perception in noise, working memory and reasoning ability? Audiology and Speech Research, 16(4), 124-132.
Lee, M. & Bahng, J. (2020). Efficacy of auditory training using video-clips for older adults who wear hearing aids, Audiology and Speech Research, 16(3), 206-216.
Bahng, J. & Oh, S. H. (2020) A literature review of bimodal fitting, Audiology and Speech Research, 16(4), 265-275.
Lee, J. H., Bahng, J., Kim, C., & Kim, Y. Y (2019). Quantitative criteria for age-related hearing loss using audiometric configuration analysis, European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 277(7).
Park, S. & Bahng, J. (2019) The efficacy of transfer of learning and retention with short-term auditory training: Evidence from auditory evoked potential and behavioral test, 15(4), 265-272.
Lee, K. E., Oh, S. H., & Bahng, J. (2019) Clinical implication of tinnitus magnitude index, Audiology and Speech Research, 15(3), 176-183.
Yoon, C. M. & Bahng, J. (2019) Understanding hearing loss, hearing protection and hearing conservation program: A survey for shipyard field managers, Audiology and Speech Research, 15(2), 111-118.
Kim, H. R. & Bahng, J. (2021). Can the tinnitus magnitude index reflect the depression and anxiety of tinnitus sufferers? Audiology and Speech Research, 17(4), 364-370.
Kim, J. H., Shin, L, Bahng, J.,& Lee, H-Y. (2021). Proficiency in using level cue for sound localization is related to the auditory cortical structure in patients with single-sided deafness, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15, 749824.
Kim, KS., Lee, J. H. & Bahng, J. (2021). Factors affecting the auditory working memory of the elderly, Audiology and Speech Research, 17(1), 35-43.
Shin, J. & Bahng, J. (2021). Auditory training for spatial hearing loss: Two case reports of the older adults who wear hearing aids. Audiology and Speech Research, 17(3), 307-313.
Bahng, J. & Lee, C. H. (2020) Topic modeling for analyzing patients’ perceptions and concerns of hearing loss on social Q & A sites: Incorporating patients' perspective, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(17), 6209.
Kang, D., Kim, S. H., Yun, D., & Bahng, J. (2020) Auditory training using remembering the order of sentences for the elderly who wear hearing aids: Is it effective for speech perception in noise, working memory and reasoning ability? Audiology and Speech Research, 16(4), 124-132.
Lee, M. & Bahng, J. (2020). Efficacy of auditory training using video-clips for older adults who wear hearing aids, Audiology and Speech Research, 16(3), 206-216.
Bahng, J. & Oh, S. H. (2020) A literature review of bimodal fitting, Audiology and Speech Research, 16(4), 265-275.
심리음향측정, 국제표준, 신호처리와 말지각
심리음향학, 인공와우적합관리, 청력보존
2관 101호
2014.12 미국 University of South Florida Ph.D./Hearing Science
2010.5 미국 California State University M.Ed./Special Ed.(수료)
2000.2 한림대학교 M.A./청각학
1992.2 이화여자대학교 B.A./문학
2018.9.1 ~ 현재 - 한림국제대학원대학교 청각언어치료학과 교수
2016.7 ~ 현재 - 국제표준화기구 음향기술위원회 ISO TC 43/WG 10 국제간사 지원팀
2015.7.1 ~ 2018.5.31 - 한림국제대학원대학교 청각언어연구소 책임연구원
2015.3.2 ~ 2015.6.30 - 국립재활원 재활연구소 박사연구원
2011.5.9 ~ 2014.12.13 - 미국 University of South Florida Graduate assistant
2011.5.9 ~ 2013.5.13 - 미국 Tampa General Hospital New born hearing screener
1997.3.1 ~ 2008.7.31 - 서울아산병원 이비인후과 청력검사실 전임
연구 및 저서
Han, S. J., Han, J. H., & Oh, S. H. (2023). Effectiveness of Group Communication Strategy Program for Individuals with Hearing Loss. Audiology and Speech Research, 19(3), 165-170.
Choi, H. J., & Oh, S. H. (2023). Case Reports of Hearing Aid Fitting in Bimodal Cochlear Implant Adults. Audiology and Speech Research, 19(2), 160-164.
Oh, S. H., & Bahng, J. (2022). The consideration of tele-audiology service delivery in Korea. Audiology and Speech Research, 18(4), 261-265.
Park, M. J., & Oh, S. H. (2022). A Survey Study of Hearing Aid Satisfaction, Quality of Life, and Tinnitus of Elderly Hearing Aid Users. Audiology and Speech Research, 18(3), 157-164.
Bahng, J. & Oh, S.H.(2022) A preliminary study of sound quality evaluation of cochlear implant users The journal of the acoustical society of Korea 4(1) 45-51
Hwang, H., Kim, T., Park, L., & Oh, S.H.(2022) A Retrospective Study of Bimodal Benefits of Cochlear Implant Children Audiol Speech Res. 18(1):1-8
Lee, S., Oh, S.H., & Lee, K.(2021) Hearing aid selection: Closed- versus open-canal fitting hearing aids Audiol Speech Res. 17(4):323-330
Kim, I., & Oh, S.H.(2021) A survey study of audiology services during the Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic in South Korea Audiol Speech Res. 17(4):352-363
Jin, I., & Oh, S.H.(2021) Comparison of domestic and foreign audiologist education status and qualification system Audiol Speech Res. 17(3):255-268
Park, L., & Oh, S.H.(2021) Speech and sound quality recognition in adults bimodal cochlear implant listeners Audiol Speech Res. 17(2):198-205.
Bahng, J. & Oh, S.H.(2020). A Literature Review of Bimodal Fitting. Audiol Speech Res. 16(4):265-275.
Oh, S.H., & Lee, K. (2020). Aircraft Noise of Airport Community in Korea. Audiol Speech Res. 16(1):1-10.
Lee, K.E., Oh, S.H., & Bahng, J. (2019). Clinical Implication of Tinnitus Magnitude Index. Audiol Speech Res. 15(3):176-183.
Oh, S.H. (2019). A Review of Bimodal Hearing Aid Fitting, Audiol Speech Res. 15(2):71-77.
Oh, S.H., & Lee, J.H. (2017). The gaps between knowing and in hearing aid fitting management. Journal of Audiology and Otology. 21(2), 120-123.
Oh, S.H., Donaldson, G.S., & Kong, Y (2016). Top-down processes in simulated combined electric-acoustic hearing: Effect of linguistic context on bimodal benefit for temporally interrupted speech. Ear and Hear. 37(5), 582-92.
Oh, S.H., Donaldson, G.S., & Kong, Y. (2016). The role of continuous low-frequency harmonicity cues for interrupted speech perception in bimodal hearing. Journal of Acoustical Society of America. 139(4):1747.
Stilp, C.E., Donaldson, G.S, Oh, S.H., & Kong, Y,Y.(2016). Influences of noise-interruption and information-bearing acoustic changes on understanding simulated electrical-acoustic speech. Journal of Acoustical Society of America. 140(5), 3971-3973.
Oh, S.H., & Lee, J.H. (2016). Systematic review of audiology terminology. Journal of Audiology and Otology. 20(2), 109-113.
Oh, S.H., & Lee, J.H. (2016). General framework of hearing aid fitting management. Journal of Audiology and Otology. 20(1), 1-7.
Donaldson, G.S., Rogers, C.L., Lindsay, B.J., & Oh, S.H. (2015). Vowel identification by cochlear implant users: contributions of duration cues and dynamic spectral cues. Journal of Acoustical Society of America. 138(1), 65-73.
한림대학교 언어청각학과 청각학전공 박사수료
2004.8 ~ 현재 - 이상연 보청기 대표
2006.1 ~ 현재 - 한국청각언어재활학회 이사
2008.01 ~ 현재 - 청능사자격검정원 총무, 원장, 감사
2005.08 ~ 2014.12 - 한국보청기협회 이사
한림대학교 분자의과학협동과정 이과학 박사
한림국제대학원대학교 청각학 석사
(사)청각언어재활학회 교육위원
한국청능사협회 경기지부이사
현 한림대학교 뇌인지융합의학연구소 전임연구원
현 한림대학교성심병원 이비인후과 난청클리닉 주임
한림대학교 청각학과 석사/박사 학위
신은영청각언어재활센터 대표
청능사자격검정원 원장
(사) 한국청각언어재활학회 재무이사
남부대학교 청각학과 겸임교수
前 세한대학교 언어치료청각학과 교수
연구 및 저서
Using Frequency Modulation System of Hearing-Impaired Students with Integrated Education (2022)
학령기용 음소지각검사 표준화를 위한 기초연구: 청각장애아동을 대상으로 (2022)
The Noise Level Measurements of Children’s Sound Books (2021)
Development of Phoneme Perception Test for School-Aged Children (2021)
The Preliminary Study for Development of Phoneme Perception Test Tool in the School-Aged Children (2020)