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한림국제대학원대학교 총장
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Lee, Junghak
Hallym University of Graduate Studies
405 Yeoksam-ro Gangnamgu Seoul, Korea
Tel: 82-2-2051-4950
Fax: 82-2-3453-6618
Email: leejh@hallym.ac.kr
President, Au.D. Ph.D.
Hallym University of Graduate Studies
Education Info
Yonsei University, Korea B. A. 1982 French Language & Literature
Yonsei University, Korea M. A. course completion 1985 Educational Psychology
University of Georgia, U.S.A. M. Ed. 1988 Audiology
University of Georgia, U.S.A. Ph. D. 1994 Audiology
  I, Junghak Lee, currently serve as the president of the Hallym University of Graduate Studies and served as a professor at the Department of Audiology and the director of the Institute of Audiology. I received the Ph.D. degree in Audiology from the University of Georgia at Athens, Georgia, U.S.A. and then worked from 1994 to 2009 as a professor at the Department of Otolaryngology in the Hallym University Medical Center located in Seoul, Korea. I also obtained the CCC-A in 1993, the FAAA (# 012438-00) in 1997 and the ABA certification (BCA # 921) in 2004. My advisors were Dr. Patricia McCarthy and Dr. Richard Talbott for Master’s degree, and Dr. Robert Nozza for Ph.D. degree. The dissertation for Ph.D. was titled “Effects of averaging time and external noise on the measurement of distortion product otoacoustic emissions”.
  In 1997, my colleagues and I opened the first graduate level Audiology program at the Hallym University in Korea. Now there are 8 audiology programs in Korea including undergraduate and graduate levels. I have taught mostly at the graduate level psychoacoustics, cochlear implants, hearing seminar and comprehensive audiologic practicum. My main research areas include standardization of speech audiometry as well as hearing aid fitting.
Positions and Employment 1994.8-1999.3Assistant professor, Department of Medical Sciences, Medical School, Hallym University 1999.4-2004.3Associate professor, Department of Medical Sciences, Medical School, Hallym University 2004.4-2009.6Professor, Department of Medical Sciences, Medical School, Hallym University 2007.8-2018.2Director, Institute of Audiology, Hallym University of Graduate Studies 2007.8-2020.8Professor, Department of Audiology, Hallym University of Graduate Studies 2017.3-President, Hallym University of Graduate Studies Other experience and professional memberships 1993.03-2004.02CCC-A (Certificate of Clinical Competency in Audiology, by ASHA in U.S.A) 1995.01-Member, International Society of Audiology 1997.03-FAAA (Fellow in American Academy of Audiology) 1995.03-Member, Korean Society of Audiology 1999.03-Member, Korean Academy of Audiology 2004.03-2007.02BCA (Board Certificate in Audiology, by AAA in U.S.A.) 2006.01-2007.12President, Korean Academy of Audiology 2008.01-2009.12President, Audiological Testing Services 2002.01-2017.12Electroacoustic committee member, Korean Agency for Technology and Standards 2002.01-2018.12Hearing conservation committee member, Korean Occupational Safety and Healthy Agency 2016.03-2018.02President, Audiological Testing Services 2017.03-2018.02Chairman, Korean Society of Audiologists 2016.11-2019.12Noise committee member, National Institute of Environmental Research 2016.05-2021.12Convenor, ISO TC43 WG10 Hearing aid fitting management Honors 2011Excellent Research Award, Ministry of Knowledge & Economy (currently renamed as Ministry of Trade,
Industry Energy, MOTIE)
2022Presidential Award, World Standards Day
Lee, J.H., Oh, S.H. (2020). ISO 21388 Hearing Aid Fitting Management. International Organization for Standardization: Geneva. Sim, S.I., Lee, J.H., Kim, J.S. (2020). A Study of Korean Hearing Aid Satisfaction Survey Based on MarkeTrak VIII. Audiology & Speech Research 16(1), 48-57. Kyung, J.S., Kim, D.M., Park, M.N., Suh, M.W., Lee, J.H. (2019). Sound Localization in Adults: Correlation with Varying Pure Tone Averages. Audiology & Speech Research 15(1), 49-53. Oh, S.H. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author)(2018). A study of consistency in standardized terms related to audiology . Audiology & Speech Research 14(3), 215-218. Lee, W.J. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2018). Development of web-based platform for auditory rehabilitation. Audiology & Speech Research 14(1), 1-12. Han, W.J. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author), Kim, J.S. Lee, K.Y. Kim, D.W. (2017). Preferred Compression Threshold and Release Time in Quiet and Noisy Conditions for Elderly Korean Hearing Aid Users. Journal of Audiology & Otology 21(3), 133-139. Jin, I.K. Lee, K.W. Kim, K.S. Kim, D.W. Sohn, J.I. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2017). Comparison of a Hearing Aid Fitting Formula Based on Korean Acoustic Characteristics and Existing Fitting Formulae. Audiology & Speech Research 13(3), 216-221. Oh, S.H. Lee, K.W. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2017). The Gaps between Knowing and Doing in Hearing Aid Fitting Management. Journal of Audiology & Otology 21(2), 120-123. Oh, S.H. Chun, H.G. Lee, K.W. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2017). A Review of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and Model of Hearing Aid Fitting. Audiology & Speech Research 13(2), 95-100. Oh, S.H. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2016). General framework of hearing aid fitting management. Journal of Audiology & Otology 20(1), 1-7. Chang, S.H., Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2016). Development of auditory training tool for adults using sentences. Audiology & Speech Research 12(2), 89-96. Lee, J.W. Yi, D.W. Lee, J.H. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2016). A preliminary evaluation of multiple-choice sentences developed for auditory training. Audiology & Speech Research 12(2), 97-102. Jin, I.K., Lee, J.H. (corresponding author), Lee, K.W., Kim, J.S., Kim, D.W., Sohn, J.L. et al. (2016). The band-importance function for the Korean standard sentence lists for adults. Journal of Audiology & Otology 20(2), 1-5. Oh, S.H. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2016). A Systematic Review of Audiology Terminology. Journal of Audiology & Otology 20(2), 109-113. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2016). Standardization of Korean Speech Audiometry. Audiology & Speech Research 12(0), S7-S9. Park, S.H. Lee, H.J. Kim, J.A. Kim, E.O. Lee, J.H. Kim, H.J. (corresponding author) (2015). Reliability of KS word list for speech audiometry in hearing-impaired patients. Korean Journal of Otolaryngology 58(2), 88-94. Bahng, J.H. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2015). Hearing thresholds for a geriatric population composed of Korean males and females. Journal of Audiology & Otology 19(2), 91-96. Kim, J.S. Lee, J.H. et al. (corresponding author) (2015). Test-retest reliability of word recognition score using Korean standard monosyllabic word ists for adults as a function of the number of test words. Journal of Audiology & Otology 19(2), 68-73. Lee, J.H. et al. (corresponding author) (2015). Test-retest reliability of sentence recognition score using Korean standard sentence lists for adults (KS-SL-A). Audiology 11(1), 17-25. Yoon, J.Y., Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2015). Test-retest reliability of Korean standard language list for school children. Audiology 11(1), 26-36. Jin, S.Y., Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2015). Test-retest reliability of SRT using Korean bisyllabic word list for adults. Audiology 11(2), 156-162. Park, S.H., Lee, H.J., Kim, J.N., Kim, E.O., Lee, J.H., Kim, H.J. (corresponding author) (2015). Comparison of Speech Audiometry Using KS Word List and Hahm's List in Hearing Impaired Adults. Korean Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck 58(2), 88-94. Yoo, B.M. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2014). Prediction Interval of Word Recognition Score using Korean Standard Monosyllabic Word Lists for Adults. 10(1), 35-42. Choi, J.M. Sohn, J.I. Ku, Y.S. Kim, D.W. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2013). Phoneme-based self hearing assessment on a smartphone. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 17(3), 526-9. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2013). Devepopment of Korean reference sound pressure level. Research Report (Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy, MOTIE). Lee, S.H. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2013). Effects of Personal Affects on Tinnitus Retraining Therapy. Audiology 9, 66-73. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2012). Development of a fitting formula for Korean hearing impaired. Research Report (Samsung Electronics). Huh, Y.R. Lee, J.H. Lee, K.Y. (corresponding author) (2012). Effects of age on pure tone hearing thresholds and speech recognition thresholds. Audiology 8, 158-164. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2012). A Study on the standardization of speech sudiometry. Standards & Standardization 2, 28-35 Kim, J.A. Lee, J.H. Lee, H.J. Kim, H.J. (corresponding author) (2012). Comparison of the Korean Standard Bisyllabic Word List for Adults with the Conventional List as a function of Reliability. Korean Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery 55, 350-4. Kim, J.N. Lee, J.H. Lee, H.J. Kim, H.J. (corresponding author) (2012). Reliability of Speech Recognition Threshold Test Using the Korean Standard Bisyllabic Word List for Adults in Comparison with Conventional Hahm's List. Korean Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck 55(6), 350-354 Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2011). Clinical verification for binaural processing algorithm. Research Report (Samsung Electronics). Han, H.K. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author), Cho, S.J. Kim, J.S. Lee, K.W. Choi, W.D.(2011). Reference sound pressure level for Korean speech audiometry. International Journal of Audiology 50, 59-62. Lee, H.J. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2011). Usefullness of Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials in Newborns. . Audiology & Speech Research 7(2), 190-19. Han, H.Y. Cho, S.J. Lee, K.W. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2009). A Study on the Reference Sound Pressure Level for Korean Speech Audiometry. Audiology & Speech Research 5(1), 32-35. Jang, H.S. Lee, J.H. Lim, D.W. Jeon, A.R. Hyun, J.H. (corresponding author) (2008). Development of Korean Standard Sentence Lists for Preschoolers Used in Sentence Recognition Test. Audiology & Speech Research 4(2), 178-187. Jang, H.S. Lee, J.H. Lim, D.H. Lee, K.W. Jeon, A.R. Jung, E.J. (corresponding author) (2008). Development of Korean Standard Sentence Lists for Sentence Recognition Tests. Audiology & Speech Research 4(2), 166-177. Cho, S.J. Lee, J.H. Lim, D.H. Lee, K.W. Han, H.K. (corresponding author) (2008). Development of School Aged and Preschool Korean Bisyllabic Word Lists for Speech Recognition Threshold Test. Audiology & Speech Research 4(1), 37-47. Lee, J.H. Lee, K.W. (corresponding author) (2008). Breakthroughs in Hearing Aid Technology and Rehabilitation. Journal of Otolaryngology. 12(3), 145-151 Kim, J.S. Lim, D.H. Hong, H.N. Shin, H.W. Lee,K.D. Hong, B.N. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2008). Development of Korean Standard Monosyllabic Word Lists for Adults (KS-MWL-A). Audiology & Speech Research 4(2), 126-140 Kim, J.S. Lim, D.H. Hong, H.N. Shin, H.W. Lee, K.D. Hong, B.N. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2008). Development of Korean Standard Monosyllabic Word Lists for School Aged Children(KS-MWL-S) and Preschoolers(KS-MWL-P). Audiology & Speech Research 4(2), 141-160 Lee, K.W. Lee, J.H. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2008). Suggestions of Multi-Talker Babble Noise Using Korean Speech Sound. Audiology & Speech Research 4(1), 24-27 Cho, S.J. Lee, J.H. Lim, D.H. Lee, K.W. Han, H.K. (corresponding author) (2008). Development of School Aged and Preschool Korean Bisyllabic Word Lists for Speech Recognition Threshold Test. Audiology & Speech Research 4(1), 37-47 Cho, S.J. Lim, D.H. Lee, K.W. Han, H.K. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2008). Development of Korean Standard Bisyllabic Word List for Adults Used in Speech Recognition Threshold Test. Audiology & Speech Research 4(1), 28-36 Lee, K.W. Lee, J.H. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2008). Comparing 2-cc Coupler Gain of Monaural Fitting with Non-Linear Fitting Formulas for Elderly Korean with SNHL. Audiology & Speech Research 4(1), 69-73. Lee, B.B. Kim, H.J. Lee, J.H. Kim, J.S. (corresponding author) (2008). Correlation between Electrically Evoked Compound Action Potential and Comfortable and Threshold Levels as a Function of the Electrode Location and Duration after Cochlear Implantation. Journal of Audiology & Otology 12(1), 16-21 Baek, H.J. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2007). Psychometric Functions of the One-Syllable Word Recognition with Monitored Live Voice versus Recorded Presentation for Hearing Impaired Adults. Audiology & Speech Research 3(2), 122-130 Kim, C.P. Hong, B.N. Lee, K.W. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2006). A Study on the Benefit of Hearing Aids in Geriatrics with Presbyacusis. Journal of Audiology & Otology 10(2), 166-121 Sulk, B.K. Lee, K.W. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2006). Effects of Wearing Time on Auditory Acclimatization for Newly Fitted Hearing Aid User with Sensori-neural Hearing Loss. Journal of Audiology & Otology 10(2), 112-115. Lee, D.H. Jun, B.C. Lee, J.H. Son, D.H. Yeo, S.W. (corresponding author) (2006). Clinical Analysis of Delayed Improvement in Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Korean Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck 49(7), 695-698 Jeon, E.J. Park, Y.S. Lee, J.W. Lee, S.K. Chang, K.H. Lee, J.H. Jun, B.C. (corresponding author) (2006). Correlation between Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Loop and Otologic Symptoms. Korean Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck 49(6), 604-610 Koo, S.M. Kim, J.S. Lim, D.H. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2006). Current Status of Audiology in the U.S. Audiology & Speech Research 2(1), 1-6 Cho, S.J. Lee, J.H. Cho, S.H. (corresponding author) (2006). Effects of Stimulus Type on Auditory Steady-State Responses. Audiology & Speech Research 2(1), 48-5 Yang, H.S. Lee, J.H. Kim, J.S. (corresponding author) (2006). A Study on the Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Classrooms for Toddlers and School-aged Children at Deaf Schools. Audiology & Speech Research 2(1), 28-32 Oh, J.J. Kim, J.S. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2005). Development of the Lists of Phonetically-balanced One-syllable Words for Pediatric Word Recognition Test. Journal of Audiology & Otology 9(2), 161-166 Lee, S.Y. Lee, K.W. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2005). A Study of the Occlusion Effect for Completely-in-the-canal Hearing Aids as a Function of the Vent Length and Residual Volume. Journal of Audiology & Otology 9(2), 175-179 Bae, H.K. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2005). Development of an Environmental Sound Recognition Test for Children. . Journal of Audiology & Otology 9(2), 143-149 Bahng, J.H. Lee, J.H. Hong, B.N. Kim, J.S. (corresponding author) (2005). Division of Speech Pathology & Audiology, College of Nature Sciences, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea A Study on the Development of Word Recognition Test by Pictures. Journal of Audiology & Otology 9(2), 133-142 Lee, D.H. Jun, B.C. Lee, J.H. Park, S.Y. Lee, D.H. Yeo, S.W. (corresponding author) (2005). Assessment of the Mastoid Pneumatization in Unilateral Chronic Otitis Media: Is the Underdeveloped Mastoid Air Cells a Cause or a Consequence of Otitis Media?. Korean Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck 48(6) 701-705 Lee, D.H. Jun, B.C. Lee, J.H. Lee, D.H. Yeo, S.W. (corresponding author) (2005). Analysis of Morphologic Differences between Pneumatic and Sclerotic Mastoids in the Unilateral Sclerotic Temporal Bone. Korean Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck 48(5), 582-588 Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2005). Bimodal Fitting with a Cochlear Implant and a Hearing Aid in the Opposite Ear. Audiology&Speech Research 1(1), 14-18 Sim, S.I. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2005). Directional Microphone Effects on Speech Intelligibility. Audiology&Speech Research 1(1), 80-84 Lim, K.S. Lee, J.H. Ku, H.L. (corresponding author) (2004). A Study for the Features of Masked Pure Tone Threshold Using TEN(Threshold Equalizing Noise). Journal of Audiology & Otology 8(2), 125-132 Lee, D.J. Lee, J.H. Kim, H.J. (corresponding author) (2004). Test-Retest Reliability of Auditory Steady-State Responses. Journal of Audiology & Otology 8(2), 120-124 Kim, M.H. Lee, J.H. Lee, K.W. Cho, C.G. (corresponding author) (2004). Effects of the Vent and Filter of In-The-Canal(ITC) Hearing Aid on the Insertion Gain for the Closed Vowel ""ee"". Journal of Audiology & Otology 8(2), 104-108 Lee, K.W. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2004). Recent Trends in Hearing Aid Technologies. Journal of Audiology & Otology 8(2),98-103 Hong, B.N. Hong, H.N. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2004). Development of a Screening Tool for Presbycusis. Journal of Audiology & Otology 8(1),49-57 Lee, H.N. Lee, J.H. Park, H.J. Lee, S.C. Chun, Y.M. Kim,Y.B. (corresponding author) (2004), Comparison betwwen Coupler Responses and Real Ear Responses of Children and Adults. Journal of Audiology & Otology 8(1), 25-31 Cha, O.S. Kim, J.S. Lee, J.H. Kim, H.J. Kim, Y.B. (corresponding author) (2004). Auditory Brainstem Responses using the ""Chained-Sound Stimuli"" Protocol. Journal of Audiology & Otology 8(1), 32-43 Joo, G.Y. Kim, J.S. Lee, J.H. Cho, S.J. Kim, K.S (corresponding author) (2003). Characteristics of Tympanometric Gradient and Shape in Normal Adults. Journal of Audiology & Otology 7(2), 123-130 Hong, B.N. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2003). Effects of Hearing Loss and Duration of Tinnitus on Tinnitus Handicap. Journal of Audiology & Otology 7(2), 116-122 Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2003). Current Trends in Audiology. Journal of Audiology & Otology 7(2), 93-98 Cho, S.J. Lee, J.H. Kim, J.S. Kim, H.J. (corresponding author) (2003). A Comparison of Auditory Steady-State Response Thresholds to Pure Tone Thresholds in Persons with Normal Hearing and Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Journal of Audiology & Otology 7(1) 57-62 Lee, J.S. Lee, J.H. Kim, K.S. Oh, S.Y. Kim, Y.B. Kim, H.J. (corresponding author) (2003). Utilization of the Capella Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission Analyzer for Screening the Noise Induced Hearing Loss. Journal of Audiology & Otology 7(1), 49-56 Lee, J.H. Kim, J.S. Oh, S.Y. Kim, K.S. Cho, S.J. (corresponding author) (2003). Effects of Age on Hearing Thresholds for Normal Adults. Journal of Audiology & Otology 7(1), 15-23 Han, W.J. Kim, J.S. Lee, J.H. Kim, H.J. (corresponding author) (2003). Effects of Age on Speech Perception Ability in Everyday Life. Journal of Audiology & Otology 7(1), 63-69 Song, W. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2003). Test-Retest Reliability of Uncomfortable Loudness Level Using an Instructional Set. Communication Sciences & Disorders 8(1), 287-299 Son, M.K. Lee, J.H. Lee, I.J. (corresponding author) (2002). Comparison of Occlusion Effects as a Function of the Earphone Type and Placement in Testing Bone Conducted Hearing Sensitivity. Journal of Audiology & Otology 6(2), 148-151 Won, E.Y. Kim, J.S. Lee, J.H. Hong, S.H. (corresponding author) (2002). Comparison between Auditory Brainstem Response(ABR) Thresholds Measured by Click Stimulation and Pure-Tone Thresholds after Long Term Follow-Up in Children with Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Journal of Audiology & Otology 6(2), 142-147 Lee, M.S. Lee, J.H. Kim, J.S. Hong, S.H. (2002). A Comparison between 1cc Coupler Gain and Real Ear Aided Gain for Completely-in-the-Canal Hearing Aids in Adults. Journal of Audiology & Otology 6(2), 134-141 Hong, S.A. Chung, M.H. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2002). Test-Retest Reliability of Speech Discrimination Test Using the Monosyllabic Word Lists. Journal of Audiology & Otology 6(2), 128-135 You, K. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2002). Comparison of Coupler Gain with Real Ear Insertion Gain. Communication Sciences & Disorders 7(3), 179-189 Hwang,H.K. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2002). Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions and Audiometric Thresholds in Mild Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Communication Sciences & Disorders 7(3), 173-183 Cho, I.C. Lee, J.H. Kim, J.B. (corresponding author) (2002). The Latency and Amplitude of Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions in Patients with Sensorineural Hearing Losses. Journal of Audiology & Otology 6(1), 50-55 Hong, B.N. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2002). Hearing Threshold and Hearing Handicap of the Elderly with Presbycusis. Communication Sciences & Disorders 7(1), 214-233 Hwang, H.K. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2002). Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions and Audiometric Thresholds in Mild Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Communication Sciences & Disorders 7(2), 173-183 Hong, H.N. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2002). Hearing Threshold and Hearing Handicap of the Elderly with Presbycusis. Communication Sciences & Disorders 7(1), 214-233 Kim, J.S. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2001). A Study of Telephone Usage in the Hearing-Impaired People. Journal of Audiology & Otology 5(2), 135-143 Mun, H.A. Lee, J.H. Chun, Y.M. Kim, J.S. (corresponding author) (2001). The Latency of Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions in Term-born Neonates. Journal of Audiology & Otology 5(2), 129-134 Suh, O.K. Chung, M.H. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2001). Loudness Discomfort Level and Dynamic Range according to the Type of Hearing Loss. Journal of Audiology & Otology 5(2), 111-119 Park, J.H. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2001). Effects of High - Frequency Hearing Loss on Speech Recognition Ability. Communication Sciences & Disorders 6(1), 1-16 Kwon, K.S. Park, M.S. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2001). A Study of Horizontal Sound Localization Ability in Normal Koreans. Communication Sciences & Disorders 5(2), 1-14 Park, M.S. Kim, Y.S. Oh, J.K. Kim, H.S. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2000). Diagnosis of Nonorganic Hearing Loss. International Journal of Audiology 4(2), 121-125 Suh, O.K. Lee, J.H. Park, M.S. Chung, MH. (corresponding author) (2000). Comparison of the Uncomfortable Loudness Level with the Acoustic Reflex Threshold in Normal and Sensory-Neurally Hearing-impaired Ears. Journal of Audiology & Otology 4(2), 148-153 Kim, K.S. Kim, S.Y. Kim, J.S. Lee, J.H. Jung, H.K. (corresponding author) (2000). Factors Affecting Reliability and Validity of Audiometric Hearing Thresholds. Journal of Audiology & Otology 4(2), 154-162 Kim, Y.K. Kim, J.S. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2000). Effects of Contralateral Stimulation on the Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions in Normal Human Ears. Journal of Audiology & Otology 4(2), 170-176 Lee, J.H. Lee. K.W. (corresponding author) (2000).Comparison of the Effects of Internal versus External CROS Hearing Aid Fittings. Journal of Audiology & Otology 4(2), 163-169 Heo, S.D. Kim, L.S. Ko, D.H. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2000). The comparison of the voice between the free field and the external auditory canal. The Korean Journal of Speech Sciences 7(4), 89-90 Kim, J.S. Pae, S.Y. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2000). Development of a test of Korean Speech Intelligibility in Noise(KSPIN) using sentesnce materials with controlled word predictability. The Korean Journal of Speech Sciences 7(2), 46-59 Choi, S.H. Ko, D.H. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (2000). The Study on the High School Students' Use of Earphone and the Evaluation of Their Hearing Level. Communication Sciences & Disorders 5(1), 1-19 Lee, J.H. Cho, S.J. Kim, J.S. (corresponding author) (2000). The Latency of Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emmissions in Ears with hearing Impariment. The Korean Journal of Speech Sciences 7(1), 86-96 Bang, H.E. Ko, D.H. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (1999). A Study of Depression Tendency in Hearing Impaired Patients. Journal of Audiology & Otology 3(2), 172-176 Oh, S.H. Kim, J.S. Park, M.S. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (1999). Auditory Brainstem Responses with Hearing Aids. Journal of Audiology & Otology 3(2), 154-159 Kim, I.S. Lee, M.S. Lee, J.H. Park, M.S. (corresponding author) (1999). Brainstem Evoked Potentials to Tone Burst in Normally Hearing Adults. Journal of Audiology & Otology 3(1), 56-62 Yoo, S.H. Park, M.S. Ham, H.S. Lee, D.H. Lee, J.H. (1999). Sound localization in subjects according to the duration of unilateral hearing loss. Journal of Audiology & Otology 3(1), 37-41 Lee, J.H. Kim, J.S. (corresponding author) (1999). A study on the nature of sound and hearing mechanism. The Korean Journal of Speech Sciences 5(1), 167-187 Lee, J.H. Kim, J.S. (corresponding author) (1999). The maximum permissible ambient noise and frequency-specific averaging time on the measurement of distortion product otoacoustic emissions. Audiology 38, 19-23 Lee, J.H. Kim, J.S. (corresponding author) (1999). A Study on Rehabilitation in Hearing Impaired Children. The Korean Journal of Speech Sciences 4(2), 103-113 Kim, J.S. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (1998). Sensitization and Desensitization Effects in TEOAEs. Communication Sciences & Disorders 3(1), 84-104 Park, M.S. Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (1998). Diagnostic potential of distortion product otoacoustic emissions in severe ot profound sensorineural hearing loss. Acta Otolaryngol 118:496-500 Han, M.Y. Lee, J.H. Kim, J.S. (corresponding author) (1998). Comparison of the Usefulness with Frequency Transposition Hearing System and Conventonal Hearing Aids for the Deaf. The Korean Journal of Speech Sciences 3, 50-56 Lee, S.H. Woo, S.Y. Kim, J.S. Lee, J.H. Park, M.S. (corresponding author) (1997). The Effect of Ambient Noise on Click Evoked Otoacoustic Emission Measurement. Journal of Audiology & Otology 1(1), 57-63 Lee, J.H. Lee, S.H. Kim, Y.B. Park, M.S. Kim, J.S. (corresponding author) (1997). The Latency of Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions in Normal Ears. Korean Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck 40(3), 347-352 Lee, J.H. Choi, J.H. Shin, Y.J. Kim, Y.B. Park, M.S. (corresponding author) (1997). Nonauditory Factors on Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions. Korean Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck 40(1), 49-55 Lee, J.H. (corresponding author) (1996). The effects of hearing aids in presbycusis. The Korean Gerontological Society 16(2), 151-161 Lee, S.H., Woo, S.Y. Kim, D.I. Lee, J.H. Kim, Y.B. Park, M.S. (corresponding author) (1996). Quantitative Assessment of Facial Paralysis Applying Lip Length & Snout Indices. Korean Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck 39(12), 1966-74. Han, M.K., Lee, J.H. (corresponding author). (1996). The usefulness of frequency transposition hearing systems for hearing-impaired children. Communication Sciences & Disorders 1(1), 139-149. Lee, J.H., Lee, S.H. Park, M.S. (corresponding author) (1996). Effects of Noise on Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission Measurement. Korean Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck 39(10), 1669-77
Title: International standardization of Korean audiological technology terms
Support Organization: Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (#10053685)
Research Fund : approximately US$ 600,000 Role: PI
Title: Standardization of hearing thresholds as a function of age and hearing aid fitting.
Support Organization: Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (#1049456)
Research Fund : approximately US$ 380,000 Role: PI
Title: Development of Korean contents for auditory training
Support Organization: Hallym University of Grauduate Studies
Research Fund : approximately US$ 20,000 Role: PI
Title: Development of Fitting formula for Korean hearing impaired
Support Organization: Samsung Electornics
Research Fund : approximately US$ 52,000 Role: PI
Title: Development of Korean reference sound pressure level
Support Organization: Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE)
Research Fund : approximately US$ 220,000 Role: PI
Title: Development of Fitting formula for Korean hearing impaired
Support Organization: Samsung Electornics
Research Fund : approximately US$ 70,000 Role: PI
Title: Clinical verification for binaural processing algorithm
Support Organization: Samsung Electornics
Research Fund : approximately US$ 50,000 Role: PI
Title: A feasibility study for binaural processing algorithm
Support Organization: Samsung Electornics
Research Fund : approximately US$ 50,000 Role: PI
Title: Development of hearing screening method for smartphone
Support Organization: Samsung Electornics
Research Fund : approximately US$ 30,000 Role: PI
Title: Development of Korean reference sound pressure level
Support Organization: Ministry of Knowledge & Economy (currently renamed as MOTIE)
Research Fund : approximately US$ 250,000 Role: PI
Title: Development of drafts for revision of Korean standards related to audiometry and hearing aid analysis
Support Organization: Ministry of Knowledge & Economy (currently renamed as MOTIE)
Research Fund : approximately US$ 15,000 Role: PI
Title: A basic study of standard hearing threshold shift for working people
Support Organization: Ministry of Employment and Labor
Research Fund : approximately US$ 30,000 Role: PI
Development of a test of Korean Speech Intelligibility in Noise
Support Organization: Samsung Electornics
Research Fund : approximately US$ 20,000 Role: PI
E. Ph.D. Dissertation
Effects of averaging time and external noise on the measurement of distortion product otoacoustic emissions. University of Georgia, U.S.A. 1994. 6. (Advisor: Robert J. Nozza)
F. Published Books
Lee, J.H., Lee, K.Y. (2019). Hearing Aid Evaluation & Fitting (2nd Ed.). Seoul: Hakjisa Lee, J.H. (2017). Cochlear implant. In Korean Association of Audiology Professors (Eds.), Introduction to Audiology(Korean). Seoul: Hakjisa. Lee, J.H. (2017). Speech audiometry. In Korean Society of Audiology (Eds.), Practical manual of hearing tests(Korean). Seoul: Hakjisa. Lee, J.H., Lee, K.Y., Lee, J.H. & Bahng, J.H. (2014). Glossary of Audiology(Korean). Seoul: Hakjisa. Lee, J.H. (2014). Cochlear implant. In Korean Association of Audiology Professors (Eds.), Introduction to Audiology(Korean). Seoul: Hakjisa. 이정학 외 (2010). 의사소통장애의 이해 2판. 서울: 학지사 이정학 (2008). 보청기검사. 대한청각학회(편) 청각검사지침 서울: 학지사 pp. 299-313. 이정학, 이경원 (2005). 보청기평가 서울: 학지사 이승환, 이정학 외 (2001). 의사소통장애개론. 서울: 하나의학사 고도흥, 정옥란, 이정학 외 (2001). 음성 및 언어 분석기기 활용법. 서울: 한국문화사 구희산, 고도흥, 이정학 외 (2001). 음성과학용어 번역사전. 서울: 한국문화사 이정학, 장선오, 김진숙, 이광선, 박문서, 김리석 (1998). 보청기의 원리와 적용. 서울: 중앙문 화사 이정학, 박문서, 김진숙 (1997). 보청기. 서울: 중앙문화사